So, since there have been many of you that have requested that we post some pictures of our house on here, we have decided that we will. (Probably because we cleaned it up a bit today and made it pretty for the blog.)
Now we'll give you the Grand tour:
(We'll start with the outside and move inside)
These are our Daffodils. They just started blooming outside our front door. They are the first thing you will notice when driving up the front walk.
This is our backyard. It goes all the way back to the fence where the trailers are in the background.
This is our little "tool room" located outside under the carport
This is what you see when you come inside the back door. It's our shoe rack.
Next, we'll take you downstairs. (straight in from the back door.)
This is the first thing you will come to when coming downstairs. It's our bathroom.
The toilet sits back in a little corner. It makes it a little hard to sit down.
Just outside the bathroom is the family room.
Another view of the family room.
Another view of the family room, and a little view of the storage/laundry room.
As you can see: the Storage room.
This is the other half of the storage room. It's very useful to have your own washer and dryer.
back up on the main floor now. Here is our fridge and range.
This is a pretty good picture of the rest of our kitchen. If you look closely, you can see one of our dishwashers (Christy).
Around the corner from the kitchen is another bathroom.
Here's another view of the bathroom. Christy, Her Mom, and I painted the brown part and put up the wallpaper strip. It looks pretty nice now.
This is what is commonly known as the "messy" (or guest) room.
This is another guest room.
Around the corner from the guest rooms and bathroom, connected to the kitchen, is the front room.
This is another view of the Front room.
Yet another view of the front room.
At the top of the stairs you will find the amazing bookshelves. (All of these books are the Stringhams.)
Here's an okay view of the Attic. If you see the tan parts of the ceiling, that's what we painted. (And yes, that is definitely shag carpet.)
A little closer view of the Attic room.
This is the opposite side of the Attic. Whenever we have a baby, this is probably where we will put a crib. The bookshelf is right behind where I am taking this picture.
This is going to be our savior this summer when the attic starts to really heat up. It's our standup fan.
So, There you go. You just got the official tour of our house. Talk to you all later!