Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We have our hands full with Noah. He is one of those kids that you have to constantly keep an eye on or you will end up with a huge mess all over the house. One of the frequently heard phrases in our family is "Noah, what are you doing? (going over to investigate), NOOOAH!"

Here he decided that he better keep Mom from trying to fold up the blanket...

This is what our floor looks like on a good day. He usually pulls out every single piece of tupperware that we own onto the floor.

"What Mom? Isn't this thing supposed to be a tool to slide with my hands across the entire kitchen?"

His newest trick, which scares me every time he gets near the stairs. He is not afraid of getting hurt. If he rolled down the entire flight of stairs he would probably cry for a few seconds, until he was comforted, then give you this look that means 'that was cool! I'm going to do it again'.

More cabinet investigation...

He definitely keeps us on our toes.