Monday, November 16, 2009

Especially for Grandma Christensen

We try to call Gabbie's grandparents on Kyle's side every week through skype. This way they can see us (and when they get a camera, we can see them). Gabbie looks forward to it very much. Last night she had to wait longer than she wanted to and kept looking at the computer and pouting, saying "Granma Chrisen".

We just had to take a video and share it with you Grandma.

(The VA family should get skype accounts and webcams so we can call you too!!!)


Rochelle said...

She is so dang cute...

King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

Hey call us on the webcam sometime. :) We just figured ours out.

SkyBluePink said...

Aww. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. We should skype sometime soon. TJ and I both have it. :)

Christy said...

Missie and Jen,
What are your skype id's?

Anna....of Anna's Quilting Designs said...

Oh man....I just saw this. Poor Gabbie. That is pathetic but so dang cute!!