Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Historic John Johnson Farm

While we were in Cleveland, we took a day to go and visit the John Johnson Farm. This is a very historic place for our church. This is where the Prophet Joseph Smith spent a year of his life in the service of the Lord. Quite a few of the revelations received in the Doctrine and Covenants were given here at this location. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to the prophet here as well. It is a very sacred and special place. You can just feel the spirit when you open your car door to get out.

We were all quietly waiting for the sister missionaries to come lead us on the tour.

One of the awesome things about going to a historic site is getting to see things like they might have been back then. Gabbie and her cousin got to come up to the stove to see where the song "I'm a Little Tea Pot" came from. Gabs wasn't too interested in going up until her cousin decided to come up with her.

She followed Mills around the whole time. I think she got a little tired of Gabs but she was really nice to her and let her tag along.

All the kids thought this was a pretty cool 'quilting' machine like Grandma's.

Most of the guys who went...

One very special story about this home involves a tar and feathering. One night Joseph Smith was pulled out of his bed in the middle of night by a mob. They took him over into the forest and proceeded to tar and feather him. His wife and mother spent the rest of the night into morning trying to clean it all off. Because of these events, one of the Smith's twin children, that was already sick, died.

The next morning was the Sabbath. Joseph Smith stood on these very steps we took pictures on and preached to the people. There is more to the story that I encourage you to search out if you are interested.

We were really grateful to be able to take pictures of most of our family on those steps. It was a real testimony booster.

The steps were super HOT and we were all jumping up from them as soon as we could.

Thanks again Wilde family for letting us come visit.