Monday, November 26, 2007

Baby Gabbie

So here is an update on Gabbie for those of you who are curious.

I went to the doctor last Wednesday and I was still dilated to 2 cm. We talked to the doctor about stripping my membranes but he said they won't do any of that until I am 38 weeks. Now I am 38 weeks and 4 days.

We have a doctors appointment tomorrow and if I haven't made any progress, I am definitely having him strip my membranes. I'm hoping that it will not be necessary though.

Physically, everything is much harder. I struggle just to make it through a day of working and then pretty much come home to crash the rest of the night. I am very lucky to have such an amazing husband who is very considerate of the way I feel. Hopefully we will have a baby girl here soon!


Rochelle said...

Yeah! Thanks for the update. You can disregard my post on the family website... actually you can't, because I still want daily updates! Even if they're the same. Good luck the next few days until she gets here. I can't wait to get my phone call from you! Oh you guys are going to make the best parents. I can't wait to see you in action!

Rochelle said...

Just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you a TON this week! Hang in there... you're almost done!